Your mindset determines your success. You become what you think. Why does this happen? Why does mindset matter?
Mindsets determine how you see the world


Your mindset is the aggregate of your assumptions, evaluations, and beliefs.

It serves as a lens through which you see and interact with the world. It shapes attitude and determines behaviour.

Depending on your mindset, you can see the same event as an opportunity or problem.

So is it surprising it impacts your outcomes?

MIndset is an accelerator of career success

There are 9 Accelerators that determine career success.
These include Skills, Effectiveness, Colleagues, Networks, Communities, Presence, Brand, Communication, and Mindset.
These are interdependent and reinforce each other.

Your mindset not only influences career success directly, but it also determines how you build and leverage other key accelerators.

These include skills, networks, personal brand among others.

For example, without the right mindset, you may use personal branding for all the wrong reasons.

Or you may consider personal branding manipulative and avoid it all together.

Neither position will help you achieve the career success you deserve and desire.

To upgrade your career, upgrade your mindset.

Narayan Kamath

I'm an Executive Coach, Leadership Mentor and Career Success Strategist to mid-career professionals. I believe Leadership is about creating Impact. I help leaders multiply their impact by working more effectively with and through others.

Narayan Kamath

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