To be successful, reject rejection. You have to be OK with the idea of being rejected.


You have to ensure it doesn't get under your skin, does not dissuade or distract you.

Author Jack Canfield says "Rejection is a myth. It doesn't really exist. It is simply a concept that you hold in your head."

This might seem cold and wrong when you are feeling sorry for yourself after being rejected, but it's logically true.

If you make an offer to someone and they do not buy, nothing has changed.

You hadn't sold to them anyways.

So while your situation hasn't improved, it hasn't worsened either.

You CAN make it worse with the story you tell yourself.

"I'm no good at sales."

"My product is no good."

"I'll never succeed if I continue doing this."

These judgments may be true.

However, you don't have enough information to reach that conclusion, as yet.

Or after 1009 times - which is the number of rejections Colonel Sanders faced before he sold his first KFC franchise!

On the other hand, the stories can do real damage.

By killing your confidence.

By making you act emotionally rather than rationally.

By making you give up - possibly just before the tide turns in your favour.

Rejection is not a big deal...

Unless you choose to make it so.

Narayan Kamath

I'm an Executive Coach, Leadership Mentor and Career Success Strategist to mid-career professionals. I believe Leadership is about creating Impact. I help leaders multiply their impact by working more effectively with and through others.

Narayan Kamath

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