There is a great deal of strength in unity, especially when it comes to teams. Therefore, a manager must strive to deal with conflicts within the team in a quick and effective manner.


Where there's a team, there's a diverse set of people and where there's a diverse set of people, there's bound to be a difference in opinions. While a difference in perspectives & opinions is good, the conflict arising from these differences isn't. If not dealt with effectively, a minor disagreement could blow up into a major fight that could tear your team apart at its seams. 

Fortunately, there are a number of steps managers can take to handle conflict with their teams:

1) Listen first, then speak

A manager is expected to listen to all facts for making a decision. Therefore, ensure that you fully listen to the aggrieved parties before coming to any conclusion. 

Also Read: The #1 Tip that can make you a better listener & leader

2) Ensure nobody is left out

Include everybody involved in the dialogue. You shouldn't make anybody feel like their inputs aren't valued. or that they didn't have the chance to share their side of the story.

3) Don't shoot down ideas / suggestions

The parties at conflict may have a solution to their problem. Regardless of the protocol, you should hear them out instead of shooting it down immediately. Note down their suggestions and let them know you will get back to them. 

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4) Don't condone uncivil behaviors & attitudes

During the course of the dialogue, one or more parties may resort to uncivil behaviors or attitude. You should not overlook their behavior. Insist on a polite and civil discussion. 

5) Act Quickly

It's best to nip a conflict in the bud before it gets out of control. You need to take action quickly in order to effectively deal with the issue. Delaying could result in your team taking matters into their own hands.

6) Shake hands on it

Once you have made a fair and objective decision, convey it to the parties involved and get them to shake hands on it. This is not only to convey that they will abide by your decision but also to let go of any bad blood that arose as a result of the conflict. 

7) Eat (or drink) together

Once the conflict is resolved, make sure you schedule for a team outing. Food and drinks are a great way for team members to bond over. The team that eats together, stays together.

Conflicts are a part and parcel of every team but they needn't always spell trouble. Leaders should manage team conflicts well and they will find that their team will emerge stronger and more united. 

Questions for Reflection

How do you deal with conflicts in your team?

What is the most challenging conflict that you've had to guide your team through?

Chaitra K

Chaitra is a HR professional with a background in Literature and Psychology, and an MBA in Human Resources Management. Prior to her current role as HR Associate with a leading company, Chaitra was responsible for the design and production of NKoach’s courses, workshops and corporate training programs. Her mission is to help people discover their passion and become better versions of themselves.

Narayan Kamath

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