Most leaders think they ought to know all the answers. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, a know-all leader can quickly disempower and demotivate people, stifle curiosity and innovation, and undermine performance. Asking the right questions is a strategy that might serve leaders much better.


James E Ryan, Dean of Harvard Graduate School of Education believes that leaders can spark curiosity, inspire creativity and encourage deep thinking by asking the right questions. However, this is easier said than done. In Ryan’s words:

… asking a good question is not an easy task. It requires us to look beyond simple solutions and to encourage colleagues to do the same. It requires courage and tact, to generate hard questions without sparking defensiveness, as well as being open to new ideas and to questioning untested assumptions. It requires being willing to listen and follow up.

Asking The Right Questions

Luckily, you don’t need a long list of questions. Ryan claims that just  five essential questions apply in a wide range of situations. Moreover, these questions can be valuable for leaders seeking to inspire and influence their people.

Wait, What? This question is designed to help people slow down and think deeper. It is helpful in challenging assumptions and avoiding hasty conclusions. Leaders can ask this question to help people make better decisions.

I Wonder..? Leaders can ask questions like “I wonder why…?” or “ I wonder if …” that spark curiosity, help overcome inertia and encourage innovative ideas.

Couldn’t we at least…? This is a useful question to ask when progress is stalled because people stick to positions and are unable to reach consensus. This question can help explore and discover common ground and move forward

How can I help? This is a great way for leaders to help people think about and define their problems more clearly. While this allows leaders to extend support, it ensures that the ownership remains where it should - with the team members.

What truly matters? Leaders can help themselves and others by asking what truly matters. This is very useful in simplifying complicated situations, staying grounded and maintaining focus on the things that really matter.

My Take

It may be a bit simplistic to assume that you can navigate all the complexities and expectations of leadership with just five questions. However, I do agree that asking the right questions is a powerful way to lead. Used appropriately, questions can get people to act more independently and be more creative and innovative. Also, by asking the right questions, leaders inspire their people to pursue growth for themselves and their organisation.

You can Ryan's full post here : 5 Questions Leaders Should Be Asking All the Time

You might also want to check out his book : Wait, What?: And Life's Other Essential Questions

Narayan Kamath

I'm an Executive Coach, Leadership Mentor and Career Success Strategist to mid-career professionals. I believe Leadership is about creating Impact. I help leaders multiply their impact by working more effectively with and through others.

Narayan Kamath

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